There are 7 key reasons why the SPRWTS is the most rational raw water solution to meet all our water supply needs in the future:
- Sungai Perak is an existing raw water resource that is under-utilised. It is being used by Tenaga Nasional to generate hydroelectric power. LAP is abstracting water from this river for potable use in Perak.However, a significant amount of its raw water is just flowing from the mountains into the sea. The raw water may be put into good use in Penang and North Perak.
- The SPRWTS is a one raw water scheme that will benefit two states: Penang and Perak.
- Sungai Perak has the potential to ensure water supply security in Penang and Perak until Year 2050. As such, the SPRWTS is a long-term, 30-year solution.
- The development cost for the SPRWTS is comparatively low. It involves the construction of a 14.8 kilometer raw water transfer tunnel, across the highlands separating the Sungai Perak basin from the Sungai Kerian basin. Constructing this tunnel will be cheaper than building a new dam.
- The SPRWTS is relatively eco-friendly. It is more environment-friendly to construct a raw water transfer tunnel than it is to build a new dam.
- The SPRWTS involves pumping raw water from Sungai Perak. Treating raw river water is cost-effective, and will have a lower impact on water tariffs.
- The Federal Government is responsible for funding raw water schemes. Federal Government funding will also help to moderate water tariff reviews in Penang and Perak.
These 7 key reasons explain why the SPRWTS is the best and most cost-effective raw water solution. When we speak about the SPRWTS, we are talking about water security for Penang and Perak towards Year 2050.Please think about the future. We must ensure that there is always enough water for ourselves, our children and grandchildren.

It is cost-effective to treat raw river water
to minimise the impact on tariffs.

It is more eco-friendly to construct a raw water transfer tunnel than to build a dam.

Penangites continue to enjoy
good water supply in 2019.

However, Penang needs a
second major raw water resource
for the future.